Star Trek TNG (Geräusche)

Sonstige Sounds
Play SoundSystem Abort Beep Play SoundSystem Confirm Beep Play SoundSystem Enter Play SoundSystem Escape Play SoundSystem Minus (prev)
Play SoundSystem Plus (next) Play SoundSystem Select C Play SoundSystem Select D (Menu System Entry) Play SoundSystem Test report swish sound Play SoundSystem Warning Beep


Verschiedene Musik(schleifen)
Play Soundv01 Play Soundv02 Play Soundv03 Play Soundv04 Play Soundv05
Play Soundv06 Play Soundv07 Play Soundv08 Play Soundv09 Play Soundv10
Play Soundv11 Play Soundv12 Play Soundv13 Play Soundv14 Play Soundv15
Play Soundv16 Play Soundv17 Play Soundv18 Play Soundv19 Play Soundv20
Play Soundv21 Play Soundv22 Play Soundv23 Play Soundv24 Play Soundv25
Play Soundv26 Play Soundv27 Play Soundv28 Play Soundv29 Play Soundv30
Play Soundv31 Play Soundv32 Play Soundv33 Play Soundv34 Play Soundv35
Play Soundv36 Play Soundv37 Play Soundv38    


Verschiedene Geräusche
Play SoundSFX and Data
Readings indicate a replay, Sir
Play SoundSFX and Data
Readings indicate a special, Sir
Play SoundSFX and Worf
Extra Ball
Play SoundSFX v01 Play SoundSFX v02
Play SoundSFX v03 Play SoundSFX v04 Play SoundSFX v05 Play SoundSFX v06 Play SoundSFX v07
Play SoundSFX v08 Play SoundSFX v09 Play SoundSFX v10 Play SoundSFX v11 Play SoundSFX v12
Play SoundSFX v13 Play SoundSFX v14 Play SoundSFX v15 Play SoundSFX v16 Play SoundSFX v17
Play SoundSFX v18 Play SoundSFX v19 Play SoundSFX v20 Play SoundSFX v21 Play SoundSFX v22
Play SoundSFX v23 Play SoundSFX v24 Play SoundSFX v25 Play SoundSFX v26 Play SoundSFX v27
Play SoundSFX v28 Play SoundSFX v29 Play SoundSFX v30 Play SoundSFX v31 Play SoundSFX v32
Play SoundSFX v33 Play SoundSFX v34 Play SoundSFX v35 Play SoundSFX v36 Play SoundSFX v37
Play SoundSFX v38 Play SoundSFX v39 Play SoundSFX v40 Play SoundSFX v41 Play SoundSFX v42
Play SoundSFX v43 Play SoundSFX v44 Play SoundSFX v45 Play SoundSFX v46 Play SoundSFX v47
Play SoundSFX v48 Play SoundSFX v49 Play SoundSFX v50 Play SoundSFX v51 Play SoundSFX v52
Play SoundSFX v53 Play SoundSFX v54 Play SoundSFX v55 Play SoundSFX v56 Play SoundSFX v57
Play SoundSFX v58 Play SoundSFX v59 Play SoundSFX v60 Play SoundSFX v61 Play SoundSFX v62
Play SoundSFX v63 Play SoundSFX v64 Play SoundSFX v65 Play SoundSFX v66 Play SoundSFX v67
Play SoundSFX v68 Play SoundSFX v69 Play SoundSFX v70 Play SoundSFX v71 Play SoundSFX v72
Play SoundSFX v73 Play SoundSFX v74 Play SoundSFX v75 Play SoundSFX v76 Play SoundSFX v77
Play SoundSFX v78 Play SoundSFX v79 Play SoundSFX v80 Play SoundSFX v81 Play SoundSFX v82
Play SoundSFX v83 Play SoundSFX v84 Play SoundSFX v85 Play SoundSFX v86 Play SoundSFX v87
Play SoundSFX v88 Play SoundSFX v89 Play SoundSFX v90 Play SoundSFX v91 Play SoundSFX v92
Play SoundSFX v93 Play SoundSFX v94 Play SoundSFX v95 Play SoundSFX v96 Play SoundSFX v97
Play SoundSFX v98 Play SoundSFX v99      


Verschiedene Sprachausgaben
Play SoundBeverly Crusher
Captain, we have heavy casualties on all decks
Play SoundBeverly Crusher
Play SoundBeverly Crusher
Excellent shot
Play SoundBeverly Crusher
Shoot Again
Play SoundBeverly Crusher
Welcome Aboard
Play SoundBeverly Crusher
We have all gone back in time
Play SoundBeverly Crusher
We have heavy casualties on all decks
Play SoundBeverly Crusher
What is happening to us
Play SoundCardassian
Here is your settlement, Picard!
Play SoundCardassian
Leave this territory now, or be destroyed
Play SoundComputer
Board the shuttle as quickly as possible
Play SoundComputer
Dilithium Crystals have been collected
Play SoundComputer
Duranium Spheres have been collected
Play SoundComputer
Evacuate all personnel
Play SoundComputer
Holodeck Program Ready
Play SoundComputer
Play SoundComputer
Increasing Warp
Play SoundComputer
Initiate Simulation
Play SoundComputer
Isolinear Chips have been collected
Play SoundComputer
Program Initiated
Play SoundComputer
Program Terminated
Play SoundComputer
Replicating Duranium Spheres
Play SoundComputer
Replication Complete
Play SoundComputer
Search Complete
Play SoundComputer
Search for Dilithium Crystals
Play SoundComputer
Search for Duranium Spheres
Play SoundComputer
Search for Isolinear Chips
Play SoundComputer
Search for The Singing Stone
Play SoundComputer
Shoot for flashing emblems
Play SoundComputer
Simulation Complete
Play SoundComputer
The Gamma Quadrant
Play SoundComputer
The Probe has discovered an advance in rank
Play SoundComputer
The Probe has discovered a lit extra ball
Play SoundComputer
The Probe has discovered return lanes are lit
Play SoundComputer
The Probe has discovered that the spinner value has doubled
Play SoundComputer
The Singing Stone has been collected
Play SoundData
Aye, Sir
Play SoundData
Course laid in, Sir
Play SoundData
Damage coming in from all decks
Play SoundData
Had you propelled the ball from the proper trajectory, you would have been rewarded
Play SoundData
Readings indicate an asteroid field directly ahead
Play SoundData
Readings indicate an extra ball, Sir
Play SoundData
Readings indicate a bonus multiplier, Sir
Play SoundData
Readings indicate a replay, Sir
Play SoundData
Readings indicate a special, Sir
Play SoundData
Readings indicate big points, Sir
Play SoundData
Readings indicate kickback is lit, Sir
Play SoundData
Readings indicate lock is lit, Sir
Play SoundData
Readings indicate multipliers are held, Sir
Play SoundData
Readings indicate nothing, Sir
Play SoundData
The Kickback is ready
Play SoundData
The probe has discovered an asteroid field directly ahead
Play SoundData
The probe has discovered an extra ball, Sir
Play SoundData
The probe has discovered a bonus multiplier, Sir
Play SoundData
The probe has discovered a replay, Sir
Play SoundData
The probe has discovered a special, Sir
Play SoundData
The probe has discovered big points, Sir
Play SoundData
The probe has discovered kickback is lit, Sir
Play SoundData
The probe has discovered lock is lit, Sir
Play SoundData
The probe has discovered multipliers are held, Sir
Play SoundData
The probe has discovered nothing, Sir
Play SoundData
Unknown, Captain
Play SoundData
We can destroy the asteroids in our path, Sir
Play SoundDeanna Troi
Captain, I believe they have evil intentions
Play SoundDeanna Troi
Captain, something strange is happening
Play SoundDeanna Troi
Here is another chance
Play SoundDeanna Troi
I'm sensing a lit extra ball
Play SoundDeanna Troi
I'm sensing they are hiding something
Play SoundDeanna Troi
I'm sensing they have evil intentions
Play SoundDeanna Troi
I'm sensing you want to continue
Play SoundDeanna Troi
I believe they are hiding something
Play SoundDeanna Troi
I believe they have evil intentions
Play SoundDeanna Troi
I believe you want to continue
Play SoundDeanna Troi
Welcome Aboard
Play SoundFerengi
Captain, our ship is disabled. We need Duranium Spheres.
Play SoundFerengi
More Please!
Play SoundFerengi
Most Gracious, Captain!
Play SoundFerengi
Thank you!
Play SoundFerengi
We need them, Now!
Play SoundGeordi La Forge
About three hours
Play SoundGeordi La Forge
All Shields are down!
Play SoundGeordi La Forge
Captain, the computer is malfunctioning
Play SoundGeordi La Forge
Play SoundGeordi La Forge
Play SoundGeordi La Forge
Play SoundGeordi La Forge
La Forge here..
Play SoundGeordi La Forge
Play SoundGeordi La Forge
Play SoundGeordi La Forge
Play SoundGeordi La Forge
Shields will fail in fifteen seconds
Play SoundGeordi La Forge
Shields will fail in twenty seconds
Play SoundGeordi La Forge
Play SoundGeordi La Forge
Play SoundGeordi La Forge
Play SoundGeordi La Forge
Play SoundGeordi La Forge
Warp Drive failure in fifteen seconds
Play SoundGeordi La Forge
Warp Drive failure in twenty seconds
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
All Hands.. Battlestations!
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
All hand , prepare for multi
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Beyond Belief
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Captain's Log Supplemental. The crew performed admirably in dispatching the Borg threat
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Commence Firing!
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Computer, What is our exact location
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Congratulations, Captain
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Congratulations, Commander
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Congratulations, Ensign
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Congratulations, Lieutenant
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Congratulations, Lieutenant Commander
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Counselor Troi..
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Damage Report
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Engage Tractor Beam
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Engineering, this is the Bridge
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Evasive Maneuvers
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Excellent Shot, Captain
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Excellent Shot, Commander
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Excellent Shot, Ensign
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Excellent Shot, Lieutenant
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Excellent Shot, Lieutenant Commander
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Excellent Shot
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Fire all Weapons
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Fire a warning shot
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Fire Phasers
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Fire Photon Torpedoes
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Fire when ready!
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Get off my Bridge
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Get off my Ship
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Get the Extra Ball
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Get the Jackpot
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Get the Super Jackpot
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Good Luck v1
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Good Luck v2
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Hail the ship
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
How long for repairs
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Increase Speed to Warp 9.9
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
I need it in twenty seconds
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Launch a Class 1 Probe
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Launch a Probe
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Let's attempt a peaceful settlement
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Let's be diplomatic about this
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Make it so
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Mr. Worf..
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Nicely Done!
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Open a channel
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Phasers at Ready
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Player Four
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Player One
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Player Three
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Player Two
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Prepare for maximum acceleration
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Pursue at Maximum Warp!
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Q, what are you doing here
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Red Alert!
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Report to the transporter room
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Sent to Starfleet We have engaged the Borg
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Shall we Negotiate
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Space the Final Frontier. These are the Voyages of the Starship Enterprise. It's continuing mission to explore strange new worlds...
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Steady as she goes
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Stop it, Q!
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Stop this senseless destruction
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Thank you Counselor
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Thank you Mr. Data!
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
The Final Frontier
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
This is Captain Jean
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
This is Federation Territory
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Welcome the the Enterprise
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Well Done, Captain
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Well Done, Commander
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Well Done, Ensign
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Well Done, Lieutenant
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Well Done, Lieutenant Commander
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
Well done
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
We will never surrender
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
What are your terms
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
What are you sensing
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
What do you want now, Q
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
What is our exact location
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
What the devil..!
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
You again, Q!
Play SoundJean Luc Picard
You must withdraw from this sector!
Play SoundQ
.. and you were doing SO well
Play SoundQ
Bonjour, Mon Capitan
Play SoundQ
Play SoundQ
Here's your ball back
Play SoundQ
Play SoundQ
Is that the best you can do
Play SoundQ
Is there a John Luck Pickard here
Play SoundQ
I want to play!
Play SoundQ
Play SoundQ
Let's play a little game
Play SoundQ
Let's see how you deal with this..
Play SoundQ
Looking for the ball
Play SoundQ
Lose something
Play SoundQ
Not bad, not bad at all
Play SoundQ
O.K. That's enough
Play SoundQ
Some day, you'll learn to play pinball
Play SoundQ
Temper, Temper Mon Capitan
Play SoundQ
That was TOO easy
Play SoundQ
That will never do
Play SoundQ
Tooo bad..
Play SoundQ
What a pity
Play SoundRomulan
We are conducting military exercises. You would be wise to change course immediately
Play SoundStarfleet
Enterprise, The Borg have entered Federation Space. Intercept immediately. Admiral Biagi out
Play SoundStarfleet
Enterprise, The Borg have entered Federation Space. Intercept immediately. Good Luck!
Play SoundThe Borg
Freedom is Irrelevant!
Play SoundThe Borg
If you do not surrender, we will destroy your ship!
Play SoundThe Borg
Pinball is Irrelevant!
Play SoundThe Borg
Resistance is Futile!
Play SoundThe Borg
You will be Assimilated!
Play SoundWilliam Riker
Alpha Quadrant
Play SoundWilliam Riker
Play SoundWilliam Riker
Beta Quadrant
Play SoundWilliam Riker
Better Luck next time
Play SoundWilliam Riker
Delta Quadrant
Play SoundWilliam Riker
Play SoundWilliam Riker
Feeling Lucky
Play SoundWilliam Riker
Five to beam up
Play SoundWilliam Riker
Gamma Quadrant
Play SoundWilliam Riker
Here we go again..
Play SoundWilliam Riker
Hold on tight, this could get rough
Play SoundWilliam Riker
Nicely Done
Play SoundWilliam Riker
Q, we don't have time for your games
Play SoundWilliam Riker
Red Alert
Play SoundWilliam Riker
Report to the Bridge
Play SoundWilliam Riker
Set coordinates for the Alpha Quadrant
Play SoundWilliam Riker
Set coordinates for the Beta Quadrant
Play SoundWilliam Riker
Set coordinates for the Delta Quadrant
Play SoundWilliam Riker
Set coordinates for the Gamma Quadrant
Play SoundWilliam Riker
Shields Up
Play SoundWilliam Riker
The Picard Maneuver, nicely done
Play SoundWilliam Riker
You Win
Play SoundWorf
Aye, Captain
Play SoundWorf
A direct hit, Sir
Play SoundWorf
Cruising at Warp Factor Eight
Play SoundWorf
Cruising at Warp Factor Five
Play SoundWorf
Cruising at Warp Factor Four
Play SoundWorf
Cruising at Warp Factor Nine
Play SoundWorf
Cruising at Warp Factor Seven
Play SoundWorf
Cruising at Warp Factor Six
Play SoundWorf
Cruising at Warp Factor Three
Play SoundWorf
Cruising at Warp Factor Two
Play SoundWorf
Damage to the shields, Sir
Play SoundWorf
Don't Move!
Play SoundWorf
Eight Million
Play SoundWorf
Play SoundWorf
Extra Ball
Play SoundWorf
Fifty Million
Play SoundWorf
Five Million
Play SoundWorf
Fourty Million
Play SoundWorf
Four Million
Play SoundWorf
I can no longer measure our velocity
Play SoundWorf
Play SoundWorf
Jackpot ready, Sir
Play SoundWorf
Nine Million
Play SoundWorf
One Million
Play SoundWorf
Sensors are picking up a Cardassian Ship, in the neutral zone
Play SoundWorf
Sensors are picking up a Cardassian Ship
Play SoundWorf
Sensors are picking up a distortion in the space
Play SoundWorf
Sensors are picking up a Ferengi Freighter
Play SoundWorf
Sensors are picking up a Ferengi Freighter in the nuetral zone
Play SoundWorf
Sensors are picking up a Klingon Bird of Prey
Play SoundWorf
Sensors are picking up a Romulan Warbird
Play SoundWorf
Sensors are picking up a Romulan Warbird in the neutral zone
Play SoundWorf
Sensors are picking up a ship on an intercept course
Play SoundWorf
Seven Million
Play SoundWorf
Sir, a strange object is dead ahead
Play SoundWorf
Sir, The Borg are hailing us
Play SoundWorf
Sir, the Cardassians are hailing us
Play SoundWorf
Sir, The Ferengi are hailing us
Play SoundWorf
Sir, the Romulans are hailing us
Play SoundWorf
Sir, the viewscreen is malfunctioning
Play SoundWorf
Six Million
Play SoundWorf
Super Jackpot
Play SoundWorf
Ten Million
Play SoundWorf
The Borg are warping out, Sir
Play SoundWorf
The Cardassians are warping out, Sir
Play SoundWorf
The Romulans are warping out, Sir
Play SoundWorf
The Shields are at fifty percent
Play SoundWorf
The Shields are at full power
Play SoundWorf
The Shields are at maximum
Play SoundWorf
Thirty Million
Play SoundWorf
Three Million
Play SoundWorf
Twenty Million
Play SoundWorf
Two Million
Play SoundWorf
Warp 9.1
Play SoundWorf
Warp 9.2
Play SoundWorf
Warp 9.3
Play SoundWorf
Warp 9.4
Play SoundWorf
Warp 9.5
Play SoundWorf
Warp 9.6
Play SoundWorf
Warp 9.7
Play SoundWorf
Warp 9.8
Play SoundWorf
Warp 9.9
Play SoundWorf
Warp Eight
Play SoundWorf
Warp Factor Eight
Play SoundWorf
Warp Factor Five
Play SoundWorf
Warp Factor Four
Play SoundWorf
Warp Factor Nine
Play SoundWorf
Warp Factor Seven
Play SoundWorf
Warp Factor Six
Play SoundWorf
Warp Factor Three
Play SoundWorf
Warp Factor Two
Play SoundWorf
Warp Five
Play SoundWorf
Warp Four
Play SoundWorf
Warp Nine
Play SoundWorf
Warp Seven
Play SoundWorf
Warp Six
Play SoundWorf
Warp Three
Play SoundWorf
Warp Two
Play SoundWorf
You are an honorable player
Play SoundWorf
You are without honor